Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Let's Talk About Race in Storytimes

    2. Welcome to Learning For Inclusion

    3. Why an Open Lab Concept?

    4. Course Objectives

    5. How to navigate this course

    6. Before we begin...

    1. Who Am I?

    2. Introduce Yourself

    3. Let's Talk About Race in Storytimes

    4. Let's Talk About Race Framework Introduction

    5. Let's Talk About Race Framework Exploration

    6. Let's Talk About Race Review

    1. Building Blocks

    2. Inclusive Storytime Exploration

    3. Inclusivity & Exclusivity Exercise

    4. Inclusion & Exclusion Takeaways

    1. Project Overview

    2. Project 1: SMART GOAL Mapping

    3. Project 3a: Digital Literacy w/in Inclusivity

    4. Project 3b: AI Tool Review

    5. Project 2: Supporting Your Storytime Collection

    1. Why Co-Conspirator?

    2. Project 2: Co-Conspirator Analysis

    3. Co-Conspirator Review

    1. Social Emotional Intelligence for the Future [option1]

    2. Social Emotional Intelligence for the Future [option2]

    3. Playful Learning Tools

    4. Micro-Lesson | Human Centered AI

About this course

  • $150.00
  • 31 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Shape your storytimes, starting today